Friday, September 30, 2011

Halloween Cupcakes

So I have been on a quest all week (okay, the last two days) to make a super awesome cupcake(s) to top my Halloween cupcakes from last year.  Last year, I made Pumpkin Spice cupcakes (which also made a reappearance at Thanksgiving) with canned pumpkin, and Monster cupcakes with molten chocolate middles.

This year, I have been on Pintrest quite a bit and have found a new challenge: Zombie Cupcakes.  These cupcakes were inspired by a t-shirt called "The Last Cupcake Standing."

They are super cute and look like so much fun to make! I have hit a few bumps in the road though.  I can't figure out what I want to do for the outsides so that I can make the cupcakes look like zombies.  I went to Bake it Pretty and found these super cute treat tubs, but they don't hold up very well in the oven and are a bigger than the standard size cupcakes.

I have two other alternatives. One, would be to bake the cupcakes in the portion cups offered by BIP, but, they only come in polka dots or stripes. The other alternative would be to bake the cupcakes in standard white or lime green baking cups, but I still think they would be too small for the treat tubs so I would still need to figure out how to wrap them so that they are still following the zombie theme.

Any ideas?


Hello ALL!! I would like to personally welcome you to my blog that will map out my road to domestication.

I am currently a 25 year old college student and brand new wife (as of 6 days!).  However, I am NOT very domestic at all!  In this blog, I will let you into my world as I have fun, failure, food and an awesome husband who doesn't hold back!

My specialties include all things fashion related and overall amazing looking and anything that is 5 ingredients or less and mostly semi-homemade!

You will witness the good, bad, and ugly as I attempt new recipes, cleaning tips and tricks, and perfecting some oldies but goodies!

Stay tuned. I can't wait to let you into my world!
