Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My new favorite thing!

So as you may know from a previous post, I have a puppy named Codee.  She is a lab mix.  She's super sweet but can be completely out-of-hand!
Codee Jade Ivory

Well since we've had Codee, we have gone through 3 phone chargers, 3 laptop chargers, 4 pairs of MY shoes (FYI, she should be homeless by now), 3 DVDs (at least and a few cases as casualties), an adapter for the portable DVD player, an adapter cord for the modem, an ethernet cord, frequent garbage can turnovers, 2 spray bottles, an ID badge reel...you get the idea.  She's a chewer.  And Mommy had gotten to a point where she just couldn't take it anymore.  She even began to scratch holes in the carpet by our bedroom door when she was mad at us for not letting her in.  She's a very temperamental baby.

This is the beginning of the hole...it got worse.

Well, I had pretty much had my fill of her and all of this scratching, chewing and biting.  I was on the verge of giving her to a shelter because I just couldn't handle it anymore but I decided to try one more thing.

The most amazing invention ever!

This stuff is a savior for all pet parents. After hearing so many people at work rave about it I decided I would give it a try...couldn't hurt right? 

When I got ready to buy it, I almost didn't because I'm on a budget and didn't really want to pay the $10 for it. But then I decided that $10 is way cheaper than trying to replace another computer charger, cell phone charger, shoe, etc. So I went to PetSmart, broke down and purchased the Grannick's Bitter Apple.

I was so surprised that it worked! 

So here's what I had to resort to:

Please don't talk about my ghetto duct tape! Lol!

Everywhere that there is duct tape (please don't talk about me...it's only temporary. We're going to get the carpet replaced) is where she scratched up the carpet down to the wood. So once I bought the Bitter Apple, I taped all of the frayed ends down with duct tape.  Well of course my little tag-a-long was not far behind and got a whiff of that good ole duct tape a started licking those lips.  I knew that I immediately needed to spray it with the Bitter Apple so that it wouldn't smell the same to her.

She took one sniff of the treated duct tape, looked at me, looked at the duct tape, looked back at me and then WALKED AWAY! I KNOW!! IT WAS A MIRACLE!

When I told my husband what she did, his response? "Spray the whole house!" :)

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